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Emerging Spiritual Awareness

According to scientists earth came into existence about 4.5 billion years ago. But human
beings have only a shorter history. Intelligent human race, Homo sapiens originated in
Saharan Africa around 200,000 B.C.  Origin of civilized society has still shorter history;
written language dates back only to around 7000 B.C; earliest written records of ancient
Greece civilization dates back to 9 th century B.C.
Human civilization has evolved and developed along with development of different races
and cultures. As time passed the pace of development of civilization became faster and
faster. All aspects of life made unimaginable and startling developments; many scientific
and technological inventions and developments are incomprehensible to common mind and
intelligence. It provides immense amenities and pleasures of life and at present the whole
world is accessible at the fingertip of modern man. But it is unfortunate that science and
technology are mostly used for destructive purposes rather than for the welfare and
amenities of human beings. It is estimated that yearly, over 1.5 trillion US dollars are spent
on military expenditures worldwide (one trillion is 1000 billion) Data shows that the available
resources in the world are more than enough for the survival and welfare of the entire
human race if used for constructive purposes.

It is a paradox that on the one hand human beings have made astonishing advancements in
science and technology, but on the other hand human race witnessed degeneration of
human values over the years. Conflicts and destructive mentalities have increased leaps
and bounds. Under the cover of a civilized man, his real face symbolizes conflict,

destruction and all sorts of negativities. Minds are being spoiled at greater speed and
intensity which are exhibited through unabated media reports on frequent occurrences of
heinous crimes being committed by so called modern civilized man- with kith and kin, dear
ones, colleagues, neighbors within communities and between countries and so on. The real
face, which is a reflection of mind, of today’s man is horrifying. Seeds of these tendencies
are sown in the minds of our younger generation and reflected through their unlimited crazy
wants, intolerance to realities, high tech crimes, emotionally immature and violent behaviors
etc., which will have far reaching consequences in the society.
At individual level a common man is under severe stress, tensions, intense demands not for
his survival but due to craving for materialist identities, conflicting relationships with near
and dear ones, increasing and intense tendency of intolerance to real life situations. This is
pausing a real threat to his health and mental peace and causes loss of focus and goal of
To a great extent people are successful to cover up and camouflage the real face and to
present a so called gentle face temporarily before others; but in fact this itself gives extra
pressure on the mind and brain. Negative, destructive and criminal thoughts are exhibited in
behavior and action. When it is expressed in a collective manner it becomes conflicts and
crimes between groups, communities and nations. Humanity suffered more destruction and
suffering caused by fellow humans than natural disasters. More than one hundred million
people are estimated to have been killed by fellow human beings. How long can we afford
to close our eyes to this extreme madness at individual and collective level which has
become a real threat to the very existence of mankind and planet earth.

There is the ray of hope for the human race. The Almighty is keen to take care of the human
race and hence sent great souls of spiritual wisdom to earth to save human beings at
regular intervals. About 600 years intervals are interesting to be noted. Moses is believed to
have lived around 1200 B.C.  After another about 600 years, God showered spiritual
wisdom to humanity through great spiritual souls like Zoroaster (630 – 553 B.C.), Mahavira
(B.C 599-527), Lao-TZU (B.C 575-486), Sree Budha (B.C 563-483).  After about another
600 years the life and spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ have even divided human history in
to B.C and A.D. After about another 600 years, Prophet Mohammed Nabi lived during A.D.
I mentioned about all round development of human civilization especially science and
technology. It is another paradox that the spiritual wisdom of mankind has eroded and
degenerated over years. Spiritual wisdom was at its peak about 2000 years before. It is
encouraging to note that there is a growing tendency among the modern population to strive
to find meaning of life and happiness by turning towards the thousands years old spiritual
wisdom and practices.

More and more people across the world are adopting spirituality based ways of life and
learning and practicing yoga, meditation, pranayamas etc., and adopt a true spiritual
approach to address all problems in life and success in life. Still vast majority are in the
mirage of believing that wealth and amenities of life are the criteria for peace and happiness

when the truth is mostly the opposite. True mental peace and happiness is fast eroding from
modern society. They misunderstand pleasures with true happiness and joy.
The greatest achievement of the human race is believed to be the diagnosis of this disease.
Now, gradually more and more people become aware of this mental dysfunction and turning
towards a true spiritual way of life which need not necessarily be by following any particular
religious practices. A branch of Science called Spiritual Science itself evolved over the
years. The original teachings of most of the religious scriptures referred to a process of
achieving moksha or heaven which is nothing but a state within. The essence of teachings
of all religions aims at teaching this truth and to bring about this transformation of human
Spiritual awakening is the one and only way to understand and diagnose the current
dysfunction of the mind and to transform our level of awareness and consciousness- a
process of MIND ENGINEERING – to find solutions to all these problems in life, to find out
find meaning and happiness in life and to achieve the goal of life.

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